![Trois-quatre petites pièces pour vélo](http://vincent-warin.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/trois-quatre-petites-pieces-pour-velo-stephane-coupe-1.jpg)
For the hall, Duration: 60 minutes (all public) / 40 minutes (young audience)
Acrobatics danced on BMX bike in contemporary music
A bike on a stage is absurd …
For a bike, a scene is both too big and too small, it’s both huge and cramped. We limit the trajectories, we go around in circles, we draw lines, we make it on the spot.
A naked plateau populated with voices, surrounded by luminous squares, haunted by metronomes, invaded by private cushions and visited by a small car. A bike that becomes a partner or extension of the body.
A minimalist and offbeat universe, which explores with poetry and humor the bonds that are woven between a man and his bike.
Exploring body and bike movements: developing, increasing, decreasing, repeating, inverting, varying, then composing with light and music – here essential to reveal space and time, but also to transform, undo, or even create the movement.
Exploring virtuosity as physical as evocative, playful and dreamlike.
Listen to silence, listen to the bike: pulsation, rhythm and dynamics. Listen to contemporary musical aesthetics (Cage, Ligeti, Grisey, Campo …) that radically question both matter and form as the organic link between sound and time.
Sounds and silence. Black and colors. Time passing and stopping. A character who seeks his place between madness and everyday life, between champion and everyone.
A show by Vincent Warin and Pierre-Jean Carrus – Cie 3.6/3.4
Directed by: Pierre-Jean Carrus Interpretation: Vincent Warin Light creation: Moïse Hill Sound creation: Thibault Quinon Costume creation: Aurore Thibout Artistic collaboration: Mark Tompkins, Kilina Cremona and Angelina Lamouret Music: John Cage, György Ligeti, Gérard Grisey, Régis Campo … and the music of the bike.
Coproduction, residency and accompaniment: Le Prato – CIRCULATIONS! – Lille Coproduction and residence: La Grange Dîmière – Fresnes Support for creation and residences: Peripheral Space – Paris, Subsistances – Lyon, Equinox – Châteauroux, Transversales – Verdun, Public Condition – Roubaix.
Project supported as part of Young Talent Circus 2006
The company receives the support of the DRAC Hauts-de-France and the Hauts-de-France Region